BABI provides housing options for eligible young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Accommodation options include share houses and independent units for 16 – 21 year olds. BABI also provides housing assistance to young parents and families where at least one parent under the age of 25.
All accommodation options provided by BABI are medium term with tenants staying for up to 12 months. During their stay, tenants have the support of a dedicated caseworker who works with them about their options and about what they would like to do next. Tenants are assisted to develop their personal resources to enable them to function in their community with increased skills for living and greater independence.
The kind of support provided to BABI tenants includes:
- Accessing long term, independent accommodation
- Developing the skills to live independently
- Budgeting
- Cooking
- Cleaning
- Managing friends and visitors
- Meeting responsibilities of being a tenant
There is also help available with:
- General and Mental Health (finding doctors, getting to appointments)
- Relationship issues (family, partner)
- Self-care (caring for self as well as others)
- Employment and Training (making decisions about the future, finding work, studying)
- Parenting or pregnancy support, including Day-care/primary school enrolment
- Help with Identification or paperwork
- Social or cultural connections
- Getting a Learner Driver’s Permit and potentially Driver’s Licence
- Legal issues
BABI’s goal is to help its tenants find accommodation that is more permanent.
Eligibility for accommodation must be assessed. Those interested can contact BABI to arrange an appointment to discuss their individual circumstance and obtain assistance in completing the required applications. BABI can also advise on other accommodation options and make a referral if it is appropriate.
In accepting accommodation with BABI, tenants commit to working with their assigned case work to help resolve their situation. For those who do not wish to commit to working with a case worker, BABI may be able to assist in helping find somewhere else that better suits the preferences of the young person.
BABI’s focus is to help those who approach the service find a stable place to live where they feel safe and are able to take care of themselves and their affairs.
Contact BABI on 3393 4176 to get more information on how to apply for BABI housing.
BABI’s funding for its housing service is provided by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy. BABI delivers its service according to the Department’s Social Housing Program specifications.